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Making seed bombs for the roadside or your own backyard

The fact is, nature could use some help from us. We've been looting and looting for so long that it's time to give something back, for example in the form of seed bombs.

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Making seed-bombs for along the roadside or in my-picking-garden

I've heard of making seed bombs before and was now triggered by a message from Natuurmonumenten on Facebook. They give away seed packets (free) for people who would like to contribute (and flower). Nice to use in a child-friendly garden, but also in a tight garden.

I thought it would be a great idea for our new house. Secretly I already have a small dream for this house. A large picking garden with flowers, that seems fantastic to me. I know… there are some other things to do first, but after that… then I'm going to start making seed bombs. I found how on the guerrilla gardeners site.

Hint: Also fun as an activity for a children's party!

Ingredients for the-seed-bombs

You don't need that many ingredients to make seed bombs. For 10 flower seed bombs you will need the following:

  • 2 teaspoons of seeds
  • 10 tablespoons of potting soil
  • little water (± 50 ml)
  • 8 tablespoons of clay (bentonite or red clay)
  • 2 teaspoons chili powder (not necessary, but smart)

Types of clay-to-use-for-seed-bombs

Want to make seed bombs now to keep and throw out at a later time? Then it is best to use this red clay.

If you start working with the seed bombs and then scatter them 'immediately', this bentonite is a fine clay to make them with.

The difference lies in the release of the bombs. The bentonite allows the seeds to germinate easily and quickly, the red clay has a firmer structure, which makes germination more difficult and takes longer.

Of course you can also use clay, but first you have to go into the woods to look for it 😉 .

Why chili powder in the flower-bombs?

I get that you're asking yourself that, that's what I thought too. Apparently the chili powder is useful for keeping critters at bay. Because of the chili powder in the seed bombs, the insects do not destroy the bombs and you have a better chance that the flowers will come out well.

How to make seed-bombs; instruction

Making the seed bombs is actually a piece of cake, but I'll explain it to you anyway:

Mix the potting soil, seeds, clay and chili powder together in a small bowl. Take a spoon and then add a small amount of water at a time. Mix well after every bit of water, until you get a clay-like substance that sticks.

You can spin the seed bombs of these.

Which seeds are best used for seed-bombs?

There are quite a few different seeds available that you can use for the seed bombs. It is therefore good to make a choice for yourself what you want to use the seed bombs for.

Are you going to sprinkle on a field, on the roadside or do you want to make a picking garden in your backyard, for example? And would you like more butterflies in your garden, or bees? There are different seeds for everything.

  • Seeds for butterfly flowers
  • Seeds for bee flowers

Are you looking for a specific color palette, or just mixed up? The choice is yours!

Don't-you-want-to-run-flower-bombs yourself?

Of course you can also buy bombs with seeds, instead of making them yourself. The 'gravy' is a bit off, but the result counts, so as far as I'm concerned you just buy them if you don't have the time to run them yourself (or don't feel like it).

'Plant' your seed-bombs

And then the time has come... you've made seed bombs and you want to start throwing them out. Make sure that the seed bombs are supplied with water immediately after casting. So bring your own water, or wait until rain is coming. It is even better if you are able to water regularly, even the days after the bombs have been dropped. This way you have the best chance of a beautiful flower explosion!