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The craziest thing I've done to seduce a man #3

Run after him (or almost)

During a party, I "shod" a guy by making him believe that I ran every morning. Kindly, he offered me to accompany him the following Saturday. On D-Day, we descended the five floors without an elevator at no load. I already had sweats. After 300 m, I was asphyxiated. He was appalled, especially when I threw up on my cute sneakers bought for the occasion. Happy ending:eleven years later, we got married!

Christelle, 37 years old, salesperson

Play it Fangio

He was on the side of the road. I pass by car in front of him:cute, the guy. I go back to validate:guy at the top confirmed. There's more than to get noticed and, for that, nothing like revving the engine of my new little car. And to rumble, it rumbled… I stalled almost running over a granny and in addition, the guy called me crazy and a criminal. The granny is safe and sound, my dignity a little less.

Élodie, 30, heritage assistant

Play room service

I had fallen head over heels for Filip, a handsome student of Czech origin. A week after his return to his country, I took two days of vacation and an express round trip to Prague to give him the bottle of Dom Pérignon 1999 he was dreaming of. He gave me a kiss, and I canceled the return flight.

Mélanie, 28 years old, hostess