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Join Expedition Robinson:mothers have the best chance!

It's over again:the final of Expedition Robinson. Do you have to watch it again? Don't worry, this won't be a retrospective. No spoiler hazard. This is going to be a call to all mothers. And one that reads:join Expedition Robinson yourself! Did you find the final a bit tame this year? The atmosphere in the camps pretty grim? We have found a solution for that. More mothers just need to get involved.

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We are for it. More mothers in Expedition Robinson!

At times it seemed like your children's playground. In camps North and South there was a lot of bullying, arguing and quite a bit of nagging. That alone requires some maternal input. Other than that, in our opinion, mothers would do very well in the program. And for the following (obvious) reasons.

1. Mothers function well under stress

As a mother you have to deal with it 24/7. The whole day long. Time pressure. Busy kids. A busy life. In short; you have to function continuously under stress. Such an island trial, that's nothing compared to running your household and your family, isn't it? Participating in Expedition Robinson yourself is actually a kind of holiday. Because mothers:there is no washing machine there on that island! Hoezee. And that brings us straight to the next point.

2. Moms are always ready for a holiday

An interesting question:how many rappers have not voluntarily left Expedition Robinson? We've lost count. Rappers start to miss their mother by default! And that will not happen to a mother. As much as they miss their children… Mothers also want to make their families proud. And come home with your head held high. But until then, they could use a holiday just as well! No laundry, no dirty floors and no kids having to go to school and ballet. Or sitting at the table with long teeth. Time for point 3!

3. A food test? Just eat your plate!

How many times have you had to throw it on the table? “Just eat your plate!” The life motto of many mothers. So what do you do when you get an eating test and there are bull balls under that bowl? Indeed. Just eat your plate.

4. puzzling? No problem

Okay, muscle wise, the moms probably won't beat the elite athletes. But joining Expedition Robinson is much more than that! Puzzles are just as much a part of the game. And of course moms have enough experience in that. And not just because they make so many jigsaw puzzles. Her schedule for next week alone is quite a puzzle. You can only get out of that with a decent weekly planner or family planner. Expedition Robinson? No problem for the mama.

5. Mothers are women with extra skills.. and women are winners

We don't need to argue about it:at Expedition Robinson women are the stronger and smarter sex anyway. In recent years, only 2 times has become a man. And that includes this final, where Soundos was our only hope. Nothing against Soundos, but she has not proved really strong during tests. But back on topic:the women almost always beat the men. And since mothers are women with extra skills (keep the peace, listen, take care of a bunch of bleating little children)… it is best for them to participate en masse with Expedition Robinson.

6. No one votes the mother home

It has been shown before:mothers who participate in Expedition Robinson also mother a little on that island. And that creates a bond. No one wants to send that sweet mother figure home. Where would the group be without her good care? Moreover, physically she is not so strong that she poses a real danger. However? Well, then they haven't seen mothers carrying full shopping bags yet.

7. She's a survivor

Being a mother gives you so much in return. But sometimes it is also like that. Do you want to know what survival means? Then take a look at a single mother of 3 children. And yet they do it, the moms. Because they have to. And because it's in them. Everything for the brood. Those survival skills will come in handy on such an uninhabited island. So moms:go for it! Have we finally convinced you? Do you also want to participate in Expedition Robinson? Or do you just want to get rid of your mother and give her up? Then read on.

Join Expedition Robinson

Yes, also next year 'unknown Dutch people' can participate in Expedition Robinson. Although we prefer to just call the moms the superstars of the program. Known or not.

Do you want to join Expedition Robinson? We would say; what's stopping you mom? How it will all work with preliminary rounds and yourself is not yet known. Keep an eye on the website of the program for this. Well, good luck, we're watching!