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Male-female:3 studies that will surprise you

Household gender

An egalitarian marriage in which the spouses provide each other with money, alternate washing, washing up, driving the children to school... This is a sharing of tasks that makes more than one dream of it (at a time when inequalities subsist). But if it brings the couple a great emotional satisfaction, it would however have an unexpected negative impact on their sex life. A study relayed by the New York Times found that the more men performed certain tasks with feminine connotations (laundry, cooking, vacuuming, etc.), the less couples had sex.

The sex of the secret

"Women are more talkative than men, you should never trust them with secrets"... This cliché was dismantled by a study including the Daily Mail echoes. The statistics are surprising:entrust a secret to a man and he will reveal it, on average, after 2 hours 47 minutes. A woman will wait 3 hours 30 minutes. That gives at least ONE excuse to watch Secret Story :the sociological study of the theory of secrecy applied to gender.

The sex of clichés

Scanning male and female brains with a scanner, that's what the University of Pennsylvania's medical school has done. Result:Mr. and Mrs.'s brains do have a difference in "brain connectivity". This difference supports the widely held stereotype that men are on average better at single-tasking, while women are more multi-tasking (and social).