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20 quotes on "making love" (inspiring or driving, it will depend on your morale)

In addition to loving it, we always find other (very good) reasons to make love, ten for example! What's yours?

Making love to strengthen relationships

Yep, oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone", is released during cuddling and skin-to-skin contact. Sex therefore has a "welding" effect and helps increase romantic feelings between partners.

Making love because it is the key to lasting happiness

Between the ages of 58 and 85, what differentiates the couples who declare themselves happy or not? Answer, regular sexual practice… the more you do it, the 'happier' the couple is. But the study carried out by Johns Hopkins University specifies that even sexual stimulation for two, without going as far as penetration or orgasm, is enough to increase marital happiness.

Making love makes you smarter

A study from Princeton University found in 2010 that neurons in rats with more frequent sex enjoyed increased growth in the hippocampus , a key region of the brain in learning and memory. This is partly due to the chemicals released during sex, which activate the reward center of the brain.

Making love because it makes you younger

A study by researcher David Weeks showed that subjects who had frequent sex – 3 times a week between the ages of 40 and 50 – appeared up to 7 years younger than those who made love less. Finally an effective anti-wrinkle…

Making love because it makes you want to do it more

The more we practice it, the more our libido increases! So when you have little desire, getting "motivated" in the beginning can wake up the beast.

Making love to extend our lifespan

Several studies have already pointed to the link between intense sex life and longer life. However, there are differences between men and women. A study carried out by Duke University between 1955 and 1980 showed that for these gentlemen, it is the frequency of intercourse that comes into play, for them, more than the frequency, enjoyment is the most important factor. …

Make love to relieve headaches

Women who often have headaches should have sex during their attack because sex can relieve them. In a German study, 60% of women suffering from a migraine episode while having sex reported partial or complete relief. What is it about? To the endorphins released during orgasm and the blood flow to the genitals (and which no longer bangs in our temples…).

Make love to boost your immune system

Winter remedy? Researchers asked college students about their sex lives and then gave them saliva tests to measure their levels of immunoglobulins, an antibody that helps fight viruses. And…those who had sex once or twice a week had a 30% higher rate compared to those who had sex less often.

Make love to sleep better

Bad day... Making love has a calming effect and has the power to initiate sleep, in particular, because it allows you to release (at least a little) the pressure, thus reducing anxiety and nervousness.

Making love to boost our femininity

Needless to say, when we have a lover (our boyfriend or just a lover), we want to take better care of ourselves, to be even better in our skin and feminine (a good perfume, hair removal that we like, supple – hello yoga etc.). In short, less to "let go". Who hasn't known periods of celibacy where you turn into an unsexy granny (close to the attack when you look in a mirror). The thing you spontaneously avoid with a man around...